Trump inspects border wall prototypes in California

Trump inspects border wall prototypes in California Trump reviews fringe divider models in California.On his first visit to California as president, Mr Trump inspected outskirt divider models and discussed his inclinations for what it should resemble. He said that some undocumented settlers "resemble proficient mountain climbers", recommending they would endeavor to discover a route over the divider The eventual fate of President Donald Trump's guaranteed fringe divider with Mexico lies in huge pieces in the California desert and he assessed the models Tuesday in his first visit to the state as president. On the way to a pledge drive, Trump analyzed eight as of late developed models for the divider close to the U.S.- Mexico outskirt in San Diego with a specific end goal to, as he has put it, "pick the correct one." The president told correspondents a genuine divider would stop "99 percent" of illicit sections over t...